Dan's First CNC Project


Just pics for now........





March 31, 2015

I got going on the electrical board today. This is suppose to be temporary, but temporary can last a long time. So I'm doing it fairly bullet proof. It goes pretty fast on wood.

e board 1

Been there, done that, cramp an electrical box full of wire nuts. And wire nuts just are not right with stranded wire. I screwed three strips of brass stock, on spacers, to a piece of plexiglass and soldered the connections. This is 240v with a neutral and the box itself is ground. Not the green wires screwed to the box on the back end. I can still come into this box with several more lines if I need them.

The low voltage for the steppers, done. The ends of all the wires are tinned. It makes it so much easier and cleaner.

e board 2

Next is the break-out-board.

e board 3

 Thanks, Dan. (pubdan4@lakeweb.net)



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