/************************************************************************************************** Revised: $Date: 2007-07-06 11:19:00 -0700 (Fri, 06 Jul 2007) $ Revision: $Revision: 13579 $ Copyright 2007 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT: Your use of this Software is limited to those specific rights granted under the terms of a software license agreement between the user who downloaded the software, his/her employer (which must be your employer) and Texas Instruments Incorporated (the "License"). You may not use this Software unless you agree to abide by the terms of the License. The License limits your use, and you acknowledge, that the Software may not be modified, copied or distributed unless embedded on a Texas Instruments microcontroller or used solely and exclusively in conjunction with a Texas Instruments radio frequency transceiver, which is integrated into your product. 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Should you have any questions regarding your right to use this Software, contact Texas Instruments Incorporated at www.TI.com. **************************************************************************************************/ /* ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= * MRFI (Minimal RF Interface) * Board definition file. * Target : Texas Instruments EZ430-RF2500 * "MSP430 Wireless Development Tool" * Radios : CC2500 * ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= */ #ifndef MRFI_BOARD_DEFS_H #define MRFI_BOARD_DEFS_H /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Includes * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "bsp.h" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Defines * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * GDO0 Pin Configuration * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define __mrfi_GDO0_BIT__ 6 #define MRFI_CONFIG_GDO0_PIN_AS_INPUT() st( P2SEL &= ~BV(__mrfi_GDO0_BIT__); ) /* clear pin special function default */ #define MRFI_GDO0_PIN_IS_HIGH() (P2IN & BV(__mrfi_GDO0_BIT__)) #define MRFI_GDO0_INT_VECTOR PORT2_VECTOR #define MRFI_ENABLE_GDO0_INT() st( P2IE |= BV(__mrfi_GDO0_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ #define MRFI_DISABLE_GDO0_INT() st( P2IE &= ~BV(__mrfi_GDO0_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ #define MRFI_GDO0_INT_IS_ENABLED() ( P2IE & BV(__mrfi_GDO0_BIT__) ) #define MRFI_CLEAR_GDO0_INT_FLAG() st( P2IFG &= ~BV(__mrfi_GDO0_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ #define MRFI_GDO0_INT_FLAG_IS_SET() ( P2IFG & BV(__mrfi_GDO0_BIT__) ) #define MRFI_CONFIG_GDO0_RISING_EDGE_INT() st( P2IES &= ~BV(__mrfi_GDO0_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ #define MRFI_CONFIG_GDO0_FALLING_EDGE_INT() st( P2IES |= BV(__mrfi_GDO0_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * GDO2 Pin Configuration * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define __mrfi_GDO2_BIT__ 7 #define MRFI_CONFIG_GDO2_PIN_AS_INPUT() st( P2SEL &= ~BV(__mrfi_GDO2_BIT__); ) /* clear pin special function default */ #define MRFI_GDO2_PIN_IS_HIGH() (P2IN & BV(__mrfi_GDO2_BIT__)) #define MRFI_GDO2_INT_VECTOR PORT2_VECTOR #define MRFI_ENABLE_GDO2_INT() st( P2IE |= BV(__mrfi_GDO2_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ #define MRFI_DISABLE_GDO2_INT() st( P2IE &= ~BV(__mrfi_GDO2_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ #define MRFI_GDO2_INT_IS_ENABLED() ( P2IE & BV(__mrfi_GDO2_BIT__) ) #define MRFI_CLEAR_GDO2_INT_FLAG() st( P2IFG &= ~BV(__mrfi_GDO2_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ #define MRFI_GDO2_INT_FLAG_IS_SET() ( P2IFG & BV(__mrfi_GDO2_BIT__) ) #define MRFI_CONFIG_GDO2_RISING_EDGE_INT() st( P2IES &= ~BV(__mrfi_GDO2_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ #define MRFI_CONFIG_GDO2_FALLING_EDGE_INT() st( P2IES |= BV(__mrfi_GDO2_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * SPI Configuration * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* CSn Pin Configuration */ #define __mrfi_SPI_CSN_GPIO_BIT__ 0 #define MRFI_SPI_CONFIG_CSN_PIN_AS_OUTPUT() st( P5DIR |= BV(__mrfi_SPI_CSN_GPIO_BIT__); ) #define MRFI_SPI_DRIVE_CSN_HIGH() st( P5OUT |= BV(__mrfi_SPI_CSN_GPIO_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ #define MRFI_SPI_DRIVE_CSN_LOW() st( P5OUT &= ~BV(__mrfi_SPI_CSN_GPIO_BIT__); ) /* atomic operation */ #define MRFI_SPI_CSN_IS_HIGH() ( P5OUT & BV(__mrfi_SPI_CSN_GPIO_BIT__) ) /* SCLK Pin Configuration */ #define __mrfi_SPI_SCLK_GPIO_BIT__ 3 #define MRFI_SPI_CONFIG_SCLK_PIN_AS_OUTPUT()// st( P5DIR |= BV(__mrfi_SPI_SCLK_GPIO_BIT__); ) #define MRFI_SPI_DRIVE_SCLK_HIGH() st( P5OUT |= BV(__mrfi_SPI_SCLK_GPIO_BIT__); ) #define MRFI_SPI_DRIVE_SCLK_LOW() st( P5OUT &= ~BV(__mrfi_SPI_SCLK_GPIO_BIT__); ) /* SI Pin Configuration */ #define __mrfi_SPI_SI_GPIO_BIT__ 1 #define MRFI_SPI_CONFIG_SI_PIN_AS_OUTPUT()// st( P5DIR |= BV(__mrfi_SPI_SI_GPIO_BIT__); ) #define MRFI_SPI_DRIVE_SI_HIGH() st( P5OUT |= BV(__mrfi_SPI_SI_GPIO_BIT__); ) #define MRFI_SPI_DRIVE_SI_LOW() st( P5OUT &= ~BV(__mrfi_SPI_SI_GPIO_BIT__); ) /* SO Pin Configuration */ #define __mrfi_SPI_SO_GPIO_BIT__ 2 #define MRFI_SPI_CONFIG_SO_PIN_AS_INPUT() /* nothing to required */ #define MRFI_SPI_SO_IS_HIGH() ( P5IN & BV(__mrfi_SPI_SO_GPIO_BIT__) ) /* SPI Port Configuration */ #define MRFI_SPI_CONFIG_PORT() st( P5SEL |= BV(__mrfi_SPI_SCLK_GPIO_BIT__) | \ BV(__mrfi_SPI_SI_GPIO_BIT__) | \ BV(__mrfi_SPI_SO_GPIO_BIT__); ) /* read/write macros */ #define MRFI_SPI_WRITE_BYTE(x) st( IFG2 &= ~URXIFG1; U1TXBUF = x; ) #define MRFI_SPI_READ_BYTE() U1RXBUF #define MRFI_SPI_WAIT_DONE() while(!(IFG2 & URXIFG1)); /* SPI critical section macros */ typedef bspIState_t mrfiSpiIState_t; #define MRFI_SPI_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(x) BSP_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(x) #define MRFI_SPI_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(x) BSP_EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(x) /* * Radio SPI Specifications * ----------------------------------------------- * Max SPI Clock : 10 MHz * Data Order : MSB transmitted first * Clock Polarity : low when idle * Clock Phase : sample leading edge */ /* initialization macro */ #define MRFI_SPI_INIT() \ st ( \ U1CTL = SWRST; \ MRFI_SPI_CONFIG_PORT( ); \ U1CTL = CHAR | SYNC | MM | SWRST; \ U1TCTL = SSEL_2 | STC | CKPH; \ U1BR0 = 4; \ U1BR1 = 0; \ U1MCTL= 0; \ ME2= USPIE1; \ U1CTL &= ~SWRST; \ ) // MRFI_SPI_CONFIG_PORT(); //as call //void MRFI_SPI_INIT(); /* ( U1CTL = SWRST; U1CTL = SWRST | SSEL1; U1TCTL = CKPH | CHAR | SYNC | MM | SWRST; U1BR0 = 2; U1BR1 = 0; MRFI_SPI_CONFIG_PORT( ); U1CTL &= ~SWRST; ) */ #define MRFI_SPI_IS_INITIALIZED() ( U1TCTL & MM ) /* void spi_initialize( ) { SPI_PORT_SEL = SPI_PINS_SEL; // Setup Px for SPI mode SS_PORT_DIR|= SS_PIN; // Setup the SS as output // low. So, initialize it high. SS_PORT_OUT|= SS_PIN; // Set SS High SD_UCTL= (CHAR | SYNC | MM | SWRST); // 8-bit, SPI, Master SD_UTCTL= (SSEL1 | STC | CKPH); // Normal polarity, 3-wire SD_UBR0= 0x002; // SPICLK = SMCLK/2 (2=Minimum divisor) SD_UBR1= 0x000; SD_UMCTL= 0x000; SD_MOD_REG|= SD_USPIE; // Module enable SD_UCTL&= ~SWRST; // SPI enable } */ /************************************************************************************************** * Compile Time Integrity Checks ************************************************************************************************** */ #ifndef BSP_BOARD_EZ430RF #error "ERROR: Mismatch between specified board and MRFI configuration." #endif /************************************************************************************************** */ #endif